Articles on 9th October, 1997.

Today's Articles: 20.

Articles' Numbers: (19971009_01-20)

Article 1:


Eric Lo (ericnet@hkstar.com) at Wed Oct 8 21:52, 1997 said:

先前有人提過會開931, 唔通係935特別車正式命名, 還是全新路線?


Eric Lo

Article 2:


肥魚 (fatfishz@netvigator.com) at Thu Oct 9 01:04, 1997 said:


今日係金鍾見都一部九記HC牌AD行905, 車頭貼八達通停用揮春,

但係車頭有八達通機, 用透明膠袋包住。

透明膠袋內有八達通機(廢話), 仲有一長彩色紙, 張紙大細同

八達通卡差唔多, 上面印o左八達通既樣, 好次o個o的冒牌銀包裡

面張紙制信用卡, 成部機俾人o既感覺係好似味擦o既新機噤, 唔

知係唔係九記新一批o既八達通機已經到o左, 係就唔該快o的set好



以下為路邊社消息, 信不信由你。


上似小弟係香港某離島遊車河o個時抄車, 單o野就貼o左上o黎, 如

果仲記得編o野, 我話過o個兩個師傅由頭嗲到落尾, 佢o地嗲o既

內容有以下消息, 就係政府為安全起見, 打算取消離島巴o既企位


有次小弟無無聊聊坐黃巴士41號加個A, 師府同一身穿制服o既嘛嘛

地小輪公司員工高聲談話, 談話內容有以下驚人消息, 就係嘛嘛


1. 不覺 -- 棺堂

2. 不覺 -- 鴻函

3. 不覺 -- 狗農繩

4. 終圜 -- 左噸

如屬實, 相信紅巴士公司要開多o的隧巴線或辰早特別線出天星碼


Article 2: (Request 1)

If this comes true, will HKF abadon North Point Ferry? Also, will there have any changes on the routings of cross harbour routes in order to cope with that?

Article 3:

Re: 田灣路線一問

姜維 (anbchew@netvigator.com) at Thu Oct 9 18:12, 1997 said:

諸葛亮 (s975318@mailserv.cuhk.edu.hk.) said:

> 小第想問0下會不會開0返79M呢?

> 田灣 至 金鐘(經薄扶林道)


Article 4:

Re: 想問有幾多條線行三號幹線?

楊過 (ss78k@netteens.net) at Thu Oct 9 19:17, 1997 said:

姜維 (anbchew@netvigator.com) said:

> 如題。



Article 5:

Re: 今 日 所 見(9/10)

Zenga (96479104@plink.cityu.edu.hk) at Thu Oct 9 18:57, 1997 said:

Eric See (dart@netvigator.com) said:

> 今日所見(9/10):

> 01. KMB 3AD42(HJ7533)S-Depot on 89D

> 02. KMB S3BL174(GP7528)on 87K

> 03. KMB S3M165(蜆X石油廣告, 44字軌車)行30X

> 04. KMB AL27行2A

> p.s. 今日我見到部份九記司機響應便服日著便服駕巴士

Yes! I saw 3 203E female drivers putting on casual dress to work!


> 05. KMB 3AD26 行 102

> 06. KMB S3BL464(FW614) 行 95

> 07. KMB ADS??? 行 60X

> 08. KMB 110 唔見左三部掛牌,分別由ADS,AL,AV頂上

> 09. KMB 3AV???(HD????) 行 691

> 10. CTB 730 行 103

11. KMB 3AD running rt.87D

12. KMB AS11 running rt. 2A but the fleet no. is AV11


> Eric See


Article 6:


Alex Chan (alexki@netvigator.com) at Thu Oct 9 08:55, 1997 said:






Alex Chan

Article 6: (Request 1)



Article 6: (Request 2)

Some KMB buses have got similar advertisements in their compartments in the past as well, particularly on certain 3BLs running on cross harbour routes.

Article 7:

Questions on Cross Border Shuttle Fleet

Howard Porter (fjrwpx@echidna.stu.cowan.edu.au) at Thu Oct 9 01:11, 1997 said:

The shuttle bus service between Lok Ma Chau and Huanggang is now using 10 NC bodied Dennis Darts. However, someone has told me that air-con. double deckers may be used on this route if the number of passengers using this service keep on rising. So, in case this idea turns into reality, what kind of buses would probably be used? And how would the Darts' future end up?

Article 8:

1997 Policy Address

Wayne (n170@netvigator.com) at Wed Oct 8 23:25, 1997 said:

The following is the new commitment about public transport in 1997 Policy Address,

Policy Programme

1. The current franchise of CMB will expire on 31/8/1998. We will review the

performance of CMB & consider how to improve public bus services on HK Island.

2.The current franchises of Star Ferry & HKF will expire on 31/3/1998 & 31/3/1999

respectively. We will examine the existing franchised networks & consider the

possibility of introducing more competition in ferry services.

3.We will introduce a new ferry route from Tuen Mun to Che Lap Kok to tie in with

the opening of the new airport.

4.We will ensureadequate provision of public transport services to support the new


5.We will complete a taxi policy review by 1998,taking into account the reviews of

the trade & the general public, & consider introducing appropriate measures to

improve the quality of taxi services.

6.We will encourage bus operators to name more bus stops for easy identification.

7.We will encourage Maxicab operators to establish Passengers Liaison Group.

Article 9:


Pirro Cheung (y931204@netvigator.com) at Wed Oct 8 22:09, 1997 said:

The following is the news about Mobile service center:



Place:On Yam Bus Terminus

Pirro Cheung


Article 10:

Re: 小巴也用智能卡

St Kilda 區長 (rogerso@spacehunt.ml.org) at Wed Oct 8 23:41, 1997 said:

Michel Lau (samlau88@netvigator.com) said:

> Gakei! (95261675d@polyu.edu.hk) said:

> > 頭先坐部六號小型巴士 (漢口道-黃埔) 裝左獅子銀行的智能卡('望的士'),

> > 不過係未用得, 唔知仲有冇其他小巴裝左呢?


> 港島區32, 32A, 33同33M 都有呀,不過都系未用得


> Michel

> (3AV165)

我記得一月o個陣,已經o向太古城一帶見到好多上o左「Mondex 唔駛找


St Kilda 區長

Article 10: (Request 1)

我上星期都見過, 但我'R'極頭都諗唔到點用, 因'望的士'唔同'發達隆', '望的士'

要成張咭放入去, 唔通個個上車都由入又出? 都好慢o者!

Article 10: (Request 2)






Article 11:

Re: Citybus Dragon 876

876 (mekslee@hkstar.com) at Wed Oct 8 21:48, 1997 said:

Howard Porter (fjrwpx@echidna.stu.cowan.edu.au) said:

> Has CTB's Dragon 876 been licenced yet? If so, is it fitted with a Euro II engine?

It will arrive by the end of this year. It will be installed

with M11 series engine.

Article 12:

How about converting AA2 as well?

Howard Porter (fjrwpx@echidna.stu.cowan.edu.au) at Wed Oct 8 20:59, 1997 said:

KMB's AA2 (EP1863) has got a Carlyle body different from all the rest of the fleet except its sister bus AA1. What would you think if AA2 can be converted into a mobile customer service centre as well?

P.S. By the way, which route is it now serving?

Article 12: (Request 1)

It's a spare bus in L depot and rarely allocated in any


Article 13:

「 呃 錢 巴 士 一 百 D 」 虎 頭 蛇 尾

Hanvas 漢 華 (hanvas@netvigator.com) at Wed Oct 8 20:57, 1997 said:

今 日 無 端 端 放 半 晝 ,

剛 巧 「 呃 錢 巴 士 一 百 D 」 收 山 ,

簡 直 天 意 ,

要 我 去 探 下 佢 .

結 果 我 一 點 幾 買 左 日 票 遊 車 河 ,

坐 住 部 3AV106 (GP7857) ,

13:58 開 車 ,

一 路 行 ...... 一 路 行 ...... 一 路 行 ......

結 果 都 係 要 14:59 到 站 ,

剛 好 Miss 左 部 3AV99 (GP7100) !

呢 部 野 好 似 話 炒 過 黎 ,

成 部 車 仲 有 100D 廣 告 ,

但 係 個 鬼 面 罩 同 左 面 大 燈 罩 就 係 白 色 .

佢 係 今 日 行 100D 既 車 之 中,

唯 一 一 部 仲 有 100D 廣 告 既 字 軌 巴 士 .

其 他 原 本 有 100D 廣 告 既 字 軌 巴 士 都 落 晒 廣 告 囉 !

而 當 初 100D 開 線 時 車 隊 全 數 是 十 二 米 音 響 富 豪 ,

而 到 了 今 日 摺 線 ,

十 二 米 音 響 富 豪 冇 開 音 響 ,

而 最 後 一 部 車 竟 然 用 了 一 部 舊 款 AD ,

真 係 虎 頭 蛇 尾 !

跟 住 行 下 星 光 行 ,

之 後 再 搭 100D ,

又 係 坐 部 3AV106 (GP7857) ,

15:41 開 車 ,

一 路 行 ...... 一 路 行 ...... 一 路 行 ......

結 果 都 係 要 16:40 到 站 ,

落 車 後 就 去 搭 234X 返 屋 企 了 .

兩 程 車 都 係 俾 我 用 三 十 蚊 包 起 了 !

抵 玩 !

Article 14:

Re: 城巴流動服務中心 (Silly Version)

Howard Porter (fjrwpx@echidna.stu.cowan.edu.au) at Wed Oct 8 21:05, 1997 said:

J.Keung (jk8x@netvigator.com) said:

> 如果有城巴流動服務中心的話,估估會邊款巴士?


> 1.1301?!

Think about converting a 12m air-con bus temporarily. This may work!

(CMB had done this on LA1 before. If you can't believe it, just believe it!)

Article 14: (Request 1)


Article 14: (Request 2)


Alex Chan

Article 15:


Eric KONG (id00574@netvigator.com) at Wed Oct 8 20:30, 1997 said:

如題 -- 近天慈村, 爛地一幅. 詳細資料未有.

Article 16:


Dickson2 (dickson2@macau.ctm.net) at Wed Oct 8 19:52, 1997 said:

時間: 18:02

地點: 澳門葡京迴旋處(剛落大橋)

編號: R60 (Rosa)

路線: 新褔利 33

時間: 18:40

地點: 新馬路往南灣方向(近國際酒店)

編號: R80 (Rosa)

路線: 新褔利 33

Article 17:

Female bus driver drive a 12 metres bus

ching wai fo (bching@hk.super.net) at Wed Oct 8 19:43, 1997 said:

Today at3:30 I saw a female bus driver drove a VOLVO OLMPIAN 12M(3AV164) on tonkin street,but it is only on training.I remember this bus driver has driven in route 2 (ADS53 a 'CANON'advertisement) for many years, so i think the ADS in 2 will be changed to 3aV driven by female bus driver later.

Besides that,some members said that they want to make a list of every bus in'CHI KWAN'(or'WORD GHOST!),but i have already make one!I think that it is hardy to do that because there are so many buses in H.K. and the 'CHI KWAN'in every route has been changed time to time!

Article 17: (Request 1)

> 或者係轉渣第二條線呢。

> 0甘女司機渣18米巴士你又見過未?


Article 18:

Re: 74S,76S的改變

Rayman (raymansc@asiaonline.net) at Wed Oct 8 20:34, 1997 said:

楊過 (ss78k@netteens.net) said:


> 由10月10日起,74R→74S及70R→76S


> 76S:

> 粉嶺往和合石:經粉嶺車站路,新運路,馬會道,百和路,華明路,銘賢路


> 和合石往粉嶺:相反


Article 19:


楊過 (ss78k@netteens.net) at Wed Oct 8 19:12, 1997 said:

我數日email給238X網主關於做Bus Pages事宜,但至今仍未有回覆.Why?


Article 19:(Request 1)

如果他不覆你, 或其他原因你收不到貓, 你貼在這裡也沒用,



DX 2437!

Article 20:


DA82 (da82@netvigator.com) at Wed Oct 8 19:11, 1997 said:

1. 100D的尾車係幾點?

2. 點解有DDART仔行緊0既時候,發出'池池'聲?(特別係城記)

3. 今日搭DC16,落車鐘果盞燈隔離寫左:

暫 ?

寶 16

中 上




Article 20: (Request 1)

> 100D 尾車 1600. 不過「呃錢巴士 100D」已成為歷史.

冇 錯 ,

100D 尾 車 開 1600.

不 過 佢 都 要 五 點 正 先 番 到 尖 碼 .

今 日 100D 尾 車 用 舊 AD .

Article 20: (Request 2)

3. 今日搭DC16,落車鐘果盞燈隔離寫左:

暫 ?

寶 16

中 上




I think it should be the initial of the destination plate.

暫 is not in service

寶 is Braemar Hill

16 means what, I don't know.

中 may means Central

上 may means somewhere (upper) or the Peak

It always happen in KMB's AM.